Community Transformation Offices: Pontevedra Provincial Council and O Rosal Council Cases.
The event on energy communities and community initiatives, organized by the Wind Observatory of Galicia, brought together key players from…
The development of wind power occurred within a given regulatory context. This context has been changing over time, and it presents differential aspects according to Autonomous Communities and Spanish Government. Admission to specific procedures, authorization and environmental assessment Laws derive from decrees and plans for territorial and energy planning. Likewise, a series of responsibilities, obligations and rights of all the participating agents are also set.
On the other hand, companies, developers and their associations, as well as other professional fields generate various documents to evaluate the sector and propose wind-energy-related actions or programs. Likewise, social movements linked to environmentalism and rural agents execute periodical reports and diagnoses on renewable energies in general and wind energy in particular.
Finally, scientific journals collect documents of great interest that deal with specific key aspects contributing towards a better understanding of the reasons for the success or failure of the different models for renewable energy development. Some of them are directly related to wind energy.
Consequently, you may access and consult the main documents of the Galician, Spanish and European legislation regulating the key aspects of Wind power as well as relevant reports and publications that may provide a broader perspective on wind development. This section is a repository for open consultation; it is free of legal, technical, scientific and commercial information related to wind energy.
Norm: Law 8/2009 of 22 December regulates wind power utilization in Galicia and creates the wind power tax and the Environmental Compensation Fund.
Year of approval: 2009
Relevance in Galician wind energy: This Law currently regulates procedures concerning administrative authorization of wind farm facilities in the Galician territory. It establishes key elements for landowners such as issues concerning the declaration of public utility and expropriation procedures. The fully updated and consolidated version must be consulted given that it has recently experienced significant changes emerging from the Law of Promotion of Business Initiatives.
Precedents: Decree 205/1995, Decree 302/2001 and Decree 242/2007.
The event on energy communities and community initiatives, organized by the Wind Observatory of Galicia, brought together key players from…
On November 21, the University of Vigo’s FCCEE Lecture Hall hosted a conference dedicated to exploring the experiences and opportunities…
The GWO, in collaboration with the EC4RURAL project, has elaborated some useful materials for the elaboration of the economic viability…