In March 2019, the Official Gazette of Galicia published the General Directorate of Energy and Mines RESOLUTION of 30 November 2018. This General Directorate authorizes the prior administrative authorizations and construction of the Sobredo wind farm located in the municipality of Arbo (Pontevedra) developed by Parque Eólico O Sobredo, SL.
Following are the basic data of the authorized wind farm:
Denomination: Sobredo wind farm
Legislative Background: This wind farm was admitted to the process through the 20 December 2010 Resolution, which approves a list of wind farm projects selected under the Order of 29 March 2010 for the allocation of 2,325 MW of power to new wind farms in Galicia.
Subsequently, the public information for administrative authorization; declaration of public utility, in particular, and the implicit urgent need for occupation; approval for the project execution; sectoral project of supra-municipal incidence of the electrical installation; environmental study and application of the special regime of electrical energy production corresponding to the facilities referred to as the Odo Endo Park (province of Pontevedra) were submitted for administrative authorization through the 2 March 2012 RESOLUTION of the Territorial Headquarters of Pontevedra.
In 2013, the Environmental Impact Statement of the wind farm was made public through the 10 January 2013 RESOLUTION of the Directorate General of Industry, Energy and Mines that published environmental impact statement made by the General Secretariat of Quality and Environmental Assessment on 4 December 2012 concerning the Sobredo wind farm in the municipality of Arbo, developed by Parque Eólico O Sobredo, SL
Wind Development Area: WDA Montouto. Other parks are operating in this WDA, specifically the Montouto 2000 wind farm and the singular wind farm of Arbo.
Geographical location: Concello de Arbo (Pontevedra).
Developer: Eólica del Sobredo Park, S.L. This developer has no pre-installed wind power.
Total power of the wind farm: 18 MW.
Number of wind turbines and features: 6 V-Vestas 112 of 3 MW unit maximum power wind turbine with a hub height of 84 m and a rotor diameter of 112 m.
Owners of the affected land: In the list of affected owners, properties and rights that appear in the public information for the year 2012 the affected lands are almost entirely of a neighboring character. Two of them belong to the CMVMC and only a few are additional private plots of land.
Estimated net annual average production: 54,896 MWh/year. According to the annual average household consumption (AAHC), the wind farm could provide electricity to over 16,700 households.
Execution budget: The total is 15,628,753€. The investment by MW is 868,264€.