Community energy in Europe. An opportunity to advance equity in the energy system
3 November, 2020
In the fifth session of the Friday on the Wind Seminar we will deal with the topic of community energy. Directive 2018/2001 defined it for the first time emphasizing the compulsory link of its members must have with the territory in which the project is located, and the effective control they must have over it. Likewise, this Directive emphasizes that the main objective must consist in obtaining environmental, economic or social benefits for its members or local areas. Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 of 23 June, which approves measures in the field of energy and other areas for economic reactivation, advances in the definition of energy communities in Spain. Pep Puig i Boix, representing the Viure de l’aire initiative, will participate in the fifth session of Fridays on the Wind on 26 November. This initiative consisted in installing a wind turbine of shared public ownership that voluntarily contributed the money required to develop the project.
Friday on the Wind Fifth Session Program
Som Energia is a non-profit green energy consumer cooperative that markets and produces energy from renewable sources. Representing this cooperative, Nuria Palmada will also participate on the expert panel to shed light on this initiative.
Community initiatives in the field of energy are also present in Galicia. This is the case of Nosa Enerxía S. C. G. Pablo Álvarez will talk to us about this consumer and user cooperative, where members organize to consume renewable energy.
In the European dimension of this seminar, we also open the door to input on past Spanish State experiences. This is the case of Coopérnico, a Portuguese renewable energy cooperative that includes support for projects in solidarity, education and environmental protection within its social mission objectives. Guilherme Luz, member of Coopérnico, will be part of the panel at the fifth session of Fridays on the Wind.
Finally, directing our view towards Northern Europe, Maëlle Guillou from Enercoop (France) will tell us how her firm has been working on a new energy model since 2004 from the consideration that access to energy is an essential need and the currently dominant energy model is not only the source of social, economic and environmental problems but also generates inequities. Xavier Simón of the GWO and Cristina Alonso of Friends of the Earth will moderate the session.
If you wish to take part in this online Seminar, you must register. Click on one of the following links to do so in Spanish or Galician.