• Facultade de Económicas

    Universidade de Vigo

  • observatorio.eolico@uvigo.gal


The Galician Wind Observatory (GWO) is a tool for research, information, assessment and consultation created for all individuals, companies and groups interested in wind energy in Galicia. The GWO stemmed from the collaboration between the Juana de Vega Foundation, the Isla Couto Foundation and the University of Vigo. Since June 2023, the Paideia Galiza Foundation is part of the Observatory's board of trustees. The collaboration was sealed in a Convention signed by Manuel Joaquín Reigosa Roger, Rector of the University of Vigo; Manuel Meixide, president of the Isla Couto Foundation; Enrique Sáez, president of the Juana de Vega Foundation; and Sandra Ortega Mera, president of the undación Paideia Galiza.

The observatory is led by the Research Group on Ecological Economics, Agroecology and History. It aims to conduct research on the wind sector in Galicia to transfer knowledge among participating agents, favor the transparency of Wind farm land occupation processes and reveal the positive impacts of wind power on the rural world.

The GWO is open to your consultations, questions or doubts through the contact form.

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Alliance between parties

The Galician Wind Observatory is born from the collaboration between the University of Vigo, the Juana de Vega Foundation and the Isla Couto Foundation. This is an initiative that promotes cooperation between the public and the private sector. It establishes synergies among different Entities to achieve common goals associated to the rural world.

The GWO creation process is reflected in a Convention signed by Joaquín Reigosa, Rector of the University of Vigo; Manuel Meixide, president of the Isla Couto Foundation; and Enrique Sáez, president of the Juana de Vega Foundation.

GWO is led by the Research Group on Ecological Economics, Agroecology and History at the University of Vigo that has been studying the processes related to wind farms in the rural Galician world for over 10 years.

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The collaboration between 3 private entities, the Isla Couto, Juana de Vega and Paideia Galiza Foundations, and a public entity, the University of Vigo, for the creation and start-up of the Galician Wind Observatory, creates a space for collaboration that is open to the participation of all the actors who have among their objectives the strengthening of the rural world. Farmers and their organizations, social, cultural and environmental movements and local, regional and state institutions are called to open communication channels that allow us to design development strategies for rural communities where they are the protagonists.

The Galician Wind Observatory aims to be an open space for all of them. We encourage you to send us your ideas and suggestions.


The GWO will develop actions aimed at promoting the transfer of quantitative and qualitative information among participating agents to favor the transparency of wind farm land occupation processes and reveal their positive impacts on the rural world. Complementarily, it may propose territorial regulatory changes as well as changes in energy planning.

In addition to serving as a repository of legal, economic and environmental information on wind farms and conducting studies and socio-economic and institutional analyses on wind energy, the observatory will provide free counsel/assessment to rural agents in wind farm negotiation processes as a mechanism for strengthening the position of the rural agent and favoring increased income derived from wind power in rural areas.

On the other hand, the GWO will participate in the development of actions aimed at promoting an inclusive energy transition, which encourages the participation of rural communities as protagonists of the new energy and ecological model.

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GWO has the capacity, knowledge and experience in the wind sector of the Research Group on Ecological Economics, Agroecology and History at the University of Vigo with its over 15 years of study on rural Galician wind farm processes throughout which it has counseled wind farm owners. In this sense, the contact network of GIEEAH, the Isla Couto Foundation, the Juana de Vega Foundation and the Paideia Galiza Foundation favor the dissemination of the Observatory and all of its related activities. GWO, specifically located at UVigo’s Faculty of Economics and Business on the Lagoas-Marcosende Campus, has the physical resources supplied by this Faculty and the University itself.

Our History

  • 10 January 2019

    10 January 2019 Creation of the GWO agreed upon the signing of the Agreement by Joaquín Reigosa, Rector of the University of Vigo; Manuel Meixide, president of the Isla Couto Foundation; and Enrique Sáez, president of the Juana de Vega Foundation.
  • 19 February 2019

    19 February 2019 Participation of the GWO in an Informative Meeting organized by a group of affected individuals in Coristanco.
  • 6 April 2019

    Participation of the GWO in a day with the press about wind farms and Communal Forest (Comunidades de Montes) in Cerdedo.
  • 6 May 2019

    First Meeting of the Galician Wind Observatory Advisory Committee at the Faculty of Economics of UVigo.
  • 14 December 2019

    GWO releases “Economic impact of wind energy on the Galician rural environment: context, changes and opportunities” report.
  • 29 September 2020

    The Wind Observatory Proposes a Standard Contract For Land Affected By Wind Farms To The Galician Parliamentary Groups
  • 2 October 2020

    GWo releases "Fridays on the wind", an International Seminar for the analysis of the energy system
  • 8 October 2020

    GWO publishes the Standard Contract for the advancement of wind sector governance in Galicia
  • 24 October 2020

    GWO is part of the international panel of experts on wind energy in Italy, at the Conference on Fragile Territories, organized by the University of Trieste, the University of Pádova and the Aree Fragili Associazione.
  • 19 February 2021

    The Guide to increasing the social value and economic value of wind energy in rural communities is published
  • 24 may 2021

    GWO participates in the Legal Defense Fund of the Cantabrian Mountains
  • 1 October 2021

    GWO joins the Coalition for Community Energy
  • 10 May 2022

    New GWO publication: an in-depth study on wind dynamics in Muras (Lugo)
  • 21 november 2022

    GWO makes public the report endorsing CMVMCs as legal forms suitable to be Energy Communities
  • 6 June 2023

    The Paideia Galiza Foundation joins the Observatory's board of trustees, along with the Isla Couto and Juana de Vega Foundations.

Our Consultations

Business consultations
Private consultations
Queries of Communal Forest
Institutions consultations
Wind Farms
